Wills and Estates

HIPPA Authorization and Releases
Children in College

In order to make sure you can obtain confidential information about your adult loved ones and your college age children in an emergency, contact Kreutzer Law Offices your Miami Medical Authorization Lawyers and Ft. Lauderdale Medical Authorization Lawyers to prepare the proper authorizations. These authorizations are necessary in order for a person to obtain the medical information of another adult. They can be used for children of elderly parents to obtain medical information which would otherwise be protected under HIPPA laws as well as for parents to obtain medical information about a child away in college during a medical emergency.

According to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Health Care providers cannot disclose health information to anyone, including a spouse, children, and other family members, unless a specific signed authorization and release is provided.

Do not wait until the last minute to have these documents prepared. Accidents and emergencies happen and without this written authorization no one, except for a spouse, will be able to obtain private and confidential medical information that may be needed to make important decisions. Contact Kreutzer Law Offices today to make sure you and your family are protected.